Independent Living Checklist: What To Get Yourself Before Living Alone

Living alone is a great thing, but it can be challenging. You have to make sure that you have everything you need to live comfortably. So, here’s a checklist of things you should get yourself before you move into your own house:

Emergency lights

Emergency lights are a crucial item for any home, especially if you live alone. They give you the ability to see in the dark and stay safe in case of an emergency or power outage during a typhoon. There are two types of emergency lights: battery-powered or wired. Both have their benefits and drawbacks; we recommend getting both if possible so that no matter what happens in your home, there will always be some light available for you!

The best place for these lifesavers is near the front door so they’re easily accessible when needed (and visible from outside). You may also want them near bedrooms if there’s only one way into those rooms–it gives people who might need help finding their way out quicker access without having them fumble around looking where they’re going while trying not to fall down stairs or tripping over furniture.

Water heater

Water heaters are a big investment, and they can be dangerous if you don’t know how to use them safely. If you’re going to have your own home, it’s important that you have one installed.

Lower monthly expenses by installing a tankless water heater will save you thousands of pesos annually by dramatically reducing your monthly electric bill. You can benefit from your power-saving decision because there is a lower need for energy flow.

Door intercom systems

A door intercom system is a device that allows you to see who’s at your front door, talk with them through an intercom, and open the door without having to leave your home.

If you’re going solo at home, it’s important that you have a way of knowing who’s at the door before opening it–especially if there are other people living in close proximity. If someone comes knocking while you’re not home, they could just walk right in without realizing there isn’t anyone home! And if someone does want something from you, you have a way of talking with them through an intercom system to make sure that everyone stays safe and secure.


CCTV systems are a great way to keep an eye on your home when you’re not there. You can get one that hooks up to your smartphone and alerts you when someone enters or leaves the premises or one that allows you to remotely control it from anywhere in the world.

Shutters on the windows

Shutters are a great way to control the temperature of your home. They can keep out dust and insects, too. In addition to that, shutters protect your windows from damage–and they make your place look more beautiful.

Exterior window shutters were primarily used to give privacy, security, and a climate-responsive solution. They supplied protection from the rain and shade from the sun. Shutters also provided window openings with protection against powerful weather systems like hurricanes and tropical storms.

Traditional window shutters were able to offer these advantages while allowing for natural airflow in homes in tropical climates.

First-aid kit

Your first-aid kit should be stocked with a variety of adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipes, and antibiotic ointment for minor cuts and scrapes. You’ll also want to include eye drops in case you get dust or dirt in them. An analgesic ointment is great for sore muscles from lifting heavy furniture or other items around your home. Sunscreen is an obvious addition here in the Philippines! And finally: a thermometer, since you have to monitor yourself when you feel sickly.

Smoke detectors

Smoke alarms are important for your safety. They should be placed in each bedroom and on every level of your home. 

Tools for basic maintenance works

  • Screwdrivers: You will need a variety of screwdrivers for basic maintenance and repair work.
  • Hammer: This is an essential tool for any DIYer, as it’s useful in many ways.
  • Tape measure: You can use this tool to measure distances between objects and even yourself!
  • Pry bar: This tool will help you remove nails, staples, and other objects from the wall or floor.
  • Pliers: These are another essential tool for any DIYer because they can be used for many different tasks, such as bending wires and removing small nails.

Multipurpose furniture

A cluttered space appears cramped and messy. The elegance of multipurpose furniture resides in its capacity to clear the space of clutter. They enable you to replace many pieces of furniture with a single item that can serve several purposes.

Basic utilities

Utilities: Water, electricity, and gas. Utility bills are a major part of your budget. You should also consider how much you spend on these utilities before deciding to live alone.

The first thing you need to do is decide which utilities would suit your needs best based on price and quality; some people prefer lower prices, while others may want something more reliable with better customer service support options available at any time of day or night if something goes wrong with their system.

Stable internet connection

A stable internet connection is a must. Choosing a home location for me must have this since I have a work-from-home setup. Also, you don’t want to deal with slowdowns in the middle of your Netflix binge or have to wait hours for your email to load. This can be especially frustrating if you’re used to having a fast connection at home, but there are some things you can do before moving into an apartment that will help ensure that you have a good experience once you’re settled in.

Ask around and see if any friends or family members know someone who uses one particular service provider over another. Once you’ve decided which company suits your needs best, call them up and ask about their packages and prices.

Cleaning supplies

  • Brooms
  • Mops
  • Gloves
  • Dish soap
  • Laundry detergent
  • Vacuums
  • Dusters
  • Sponge
  • Toilet bowl cleaner
  • Scrub brush
  • Squeegee
  • Trash bags and can

If you have pets in the house, consider getting an extra vacuum with attachments that can clean up pet dander on floors or furniture.

As you can see, there are a lot of things to think about when you are going to live alone. However, don’t let this overwhelm you! Remember that it is a process, and one step at a time will get you closer to living the independent life that you have always wanted.

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